The Project Summary
Eramus+ project ”Intercultural Dialogue as a way for integration. Training for youth workers on Immigration and Mobility Fields were organized by Lithuanian Public Organization ‘’Galimybiu Pletra” partnering with organizations from Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Portugal, Spain.
This project highlighted the problem of immigrant integration, intercultural dialogue and unemployment that is transverse to all European countries. The project was structured to be strongly interrelated with the capacity of youth workers to act and take responsibility for shaping and integrating immigrants in society. During the project participants developed skills, attitudes and knowledge on how to organize and manage well the training which contributed to the promotion of the active citizenship in the participating countries. The knowledge participants gained already was put in practise by organizing and developing follow up activities and projects. Giving you an example, one participant from Ireland after the project got motivated and established his own NGO back in Ireland.
Thus during the training meetings the values of respect for difference, diversity and promotion of active citizenship were reflected as a basis for the whole learning process and the future actions plan of activities related with principles of liberty, democratic citizenship, respect for humans rights and fundamental freedoms and rule of law that improve the better conditions of youth with few opportunities. During the training course in Vilnius participants developed a joint declaration and recommendations for integration of immigrants in Lithuania.
This mobility of youth workers – multilateral training project were developed in 3 stages:
1. First Step of Mobility
– Strategic training meeting took place in Vilnius from 13th to 15th of March 2015
2. Training activity
– Week of mobility of youth workers activity: 5 working days in Vilnius from 04th to 09th of May, 2015
3. Follow-up & Dissemination activity
– Evaluation and impact of mobility training project: Two working days in Lisbon from 30th to 31st of May 2015
The aims of the project were reached successfully:
– Best practises and ideas between youth workers on immigrants integration were exchanged, and the interest in development and international cooperation on integration issues between participating organizationswere enhanced;
– Youth workers were empowered through non-formal education tools to become better agents of immigrant integration and intercultural dialogue back in their home societies;
The main objectives of the project were also implemented successfully:
• The context of the social integration and European values were introduced;
• Knowledge about the political context of the social responsibility, integration, equal opportunity and immigrant integration in Europe Youth Cooperation context was increased
• New opportunities related with social responsibility, integration and social entrepreneurship, which each work out an own idea of a small-scale Europe Youth Cooperation project were created;
• Young people gained confidence about this issue and were provided with bases to approach and initiate a dialogue about poverty and social exclusion problems among immigrants people.;
• Cultural sensitivity in a European Cooperation context were increased and intercultural dialogue fighting exclusion of minorities and xenophobia were supported;
Results and impact attained with the project:
– Initiatives of youth workers and their organizations with regard to human values and inclusive participation, as well intercultural dialogue, including immigrants and youth unemployment dimensions were supported;
– The role of youth workers in social responsibility and capacity-building activities that contribute to living together in dignity and dialogue were promoted by training activities and dissemination of project results;
– Cooperation with key stakeholders, partners, non-governmental and organizations that work with immigrants were fostered. The main training activity in Vilnius were even visited by the Ambassador of Ireland to Lithuania;
– Participating organizations strengthened their autonomy by showing that they are able to support establishment of new organizations in their home countries and develop future project by themselves;
– Youth workers capacity to work and provide key tools for immigrant integration, intercultural dialogue and youth unemployed were increased. Participants started organizing and developing were own projects back in their home countries.
erasmus+ KA1
Learning Mobility of Individuals - Youth mobility
Galimybiu Pletra
Project Title: Intercultural Dialogue as Way for Integration Training for Youth Workers on Immigration and Mobility Fields
Start: 01-03-2015
End: 30-06-2015
Project Partners
-ADEVA ( Sweden )
- PRSD (Portugal)
- PUNTLAND C. RY ( Finland)
- UYI ( Ireland )
- ACDA FORUM ( Spain)
©2020 African-European Development Agency EU PIC # 942384780 . EU OID # E10039006 . EuropeAid ID # SE-2020-CZK-2406259037