``Fostering Unity, Tolerance and Human Rights in Europe ( FURTHURE )

The prekick-off of the 2 years FURTHURE project hosted by the Applicant Xaghra Local Council, Malta on virtual Event on January 19, 2021. The co-funded by EU- Europe for Citizens Program under Networks of Towns. The project is involved in 10 organizations from 8 countries in EU. 

Applicant: Xaghra Local Council, Malta

Partner organizations: ADEVA ( Sweden ), FPD ( Italy ) ANA ( Romania ), SERDA ( Bosnia & Herzegovina ), ACSESO ( Spain ), YEU ( Cyprus ), Go Free ( Romania ), DFT ( Italy ), Check-In ( Portugal ).

The Mayor of Xaghra Local Council, Mr Christian Zammit, officially opened the meeting and wished everyone an outstanding cooperation during the two years.

                                                                                                 NETWORKS OF TOWNS

8 participating countries: Malta, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Romania and Bosnia & Herzegovina

10 participating organizations


Municipality of Xaghra ( Local Council )

Project Title: FUTHURE – Fostering Unity, Tolerance and Human Rights in Europe

Start: 01-11-2020
End: 31-10-2022

Funded by

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency - EU

Project Partners

©2023 ADEVA                              EU PIC # 942384780 . EU OID # E10039006 . EuropeAid ID # SE-2020-CZK-2406259037