This project ” Towards a Fairness and Equality on Youth Participation ” is promoted by the African-European Development Agency examines the participation of young immigrants in the Järva area and their difficulties in accessing the structured dialogue with decision-makers at local and regional level. This project will raise awareness of the benefits of cooperation for development in the EU from both sides: young immigrants beneficiaries and policy makers. It is a great opportunity to put development at the centre of attention in Järva and allow 350 young people to assume a central role in the development of strategies and measures of their own participation in structured dialogue with decision makers in Swedish society. There will be achieved local people seminars for consultation and 3 visits to parliament and regional youth diaspora meeting in Järva.
©2023 ADEVA EU PIC # 942384780 . EU OID # E10039006 . EuropeAid ID # SE-2020-CZK-2406259037