The Project Summary
The project “EntrepreneurYOUTH” involves 400 people with fewer opportunities and social youth workers from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Ireland, France, UK, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Somalia, Togo, Uganda, Portugal, Cyprus, Italy, Romania, Lithuania and Sweden. By focusing on these countries and specific target group, we will provide opportunities for education and skills training, improvement of access to basic health care services and economic empowerment of individuals, thus creating a ripple impact on their families and communities through long-term sustainable practices.
This project sets out to bring a new change to society, through innovative solutions, but also to address the pressing issue of youth unemployment both in Africa and Europe, as well as the lack of social capital and increasing cumulative disparity within the European societies that they reside in.The capacity building events (Meeting in Kenya, training in Germany, International Conference/Forum in Ethiopia, Mobile/Distance learning: e-learning training, National seminars in each partner country and Youth workers Mobility in Austria) will be important opportunities to sparkle inspiration, and bring together the willingness to “be and make” a change with management concepts, knowledge and skills on social entrepreneurship, in order to gain greater access to labour market, enlarge professional competencies, and have the necessary tools to a proper understanding of professional choice, and define each own’s personal entrepreneurial social profile. The non‐formal intercultural settings of the trainings will be enhanced by the Africa-Europe synergies, becoming the added value to find strong motivation and to guide participants to be key actors of sustainable development.
This project aims at fostering mutual learning and harmonisation of practices in and beyond Europe, avoiding redundancies and effectively acting on the economic stage, to facilitate excellence both amongst the European Member states and the third world countries through capacity building. The project will open a space of debate through which researchers and research organisations can cooperate and promote transnational non-formal learning mobility between partners.The pivotal element of this cooperation is to empower participants to create a deep connection between social entrepreneurship, individual stability and sustainable development, that will allow them to identify social problems that are causing social misdemeanours in the youth communities in the home countries and within the diaspora, and play an active role in finding solutions that will foster inclusive participation of young people in civic, social and economic aspects in their communities.The project will contribute to increase social responsibility and entrepreneurial skills for community development among youth communities and improve their life conditions and promote their autonomy and active role within their community.
erasmus+ capacity building for youth in acpala - africa & europe
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries
Project Title: Inclusive Social Youth Entrepreneurship for Better Social Change
Start: 01-09-2016
End: 31-08-2018
Project Partners
-ADEVA ( Sweden )
- ACSF ( Finland )
- UYI ( Ireland )
- AMSED ( France )
- ACDR ( UK )
- ECA ( Cameroon )
- ULI ( Ethiopia )
- ANDSJ ( Cape Verde )
- MIGRAFRICA ( Germany )
- PSCA ( Somalia )
- TJC ( Togo )
- ACI FINANCE ( Uganda )
- ANJI-DJAP ( Portugal )
- IOCSC ( Cyprus )
- AICEM ( Italy )
- CRPAT ( Romania )
- VIR ( Lithuania )
- VAS ( Austria )
- JADEN ( Ghana )
©2020 African-European Development Agency EU PIC # 942384780 . EU OID # E10039006 . EuropeAid ID # SE-2020-CZK-2406259037